Wednesday, November 24, 2010

it has been a while.

and i have a stack of postcards still waiting to be photographed.
though, i have failed to draw one for every day that has gone by since i last posted.

in one way, my ambitious project failed.
and i regret it, but this semester has truly been the hardest one yet.
{since i last posted, i have been offered a job at an animation studio, i have had to raise tons and tons of money to go to italy in january, and i have been trying to keep my room clean- a project in itself }
however, i know that when i have more time i will pick it back up.
i have taken to taking pictures with a disposable camera of things i will draw when i have a resting moment. so there are definitely more postcards to come.

please forgive me, and don't look down on me, my readers.
i miss my postcard drawing dearly.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The things i have learned

in such a short time.

i have been noticing so many tiny details- things that will never be seen again, things that i have walked past everyday, things that people do or say often. i find myself wanting to draw a postcard for every instance, but i would have run through my postcard stash by now! it is a good thing, though. it makes me happy that my eyes seem to be working better now than they ever have- and all because i started drawing on postcards. it makes me happy too that i have found myself more often than not in a looking mood, not so focused on my day or the stress of college life that i miss the small details.

this project has already changed me.
in just a few short months i have become a better observer of things that truly do deserve attention. it goes deeper than mere eyesight, though; something about katie keeley winters has changed. maybe not perceptible to other people, but still there.
i suppose it's kind of one of those things you can't really put into words...

{p.s. i promise those new postcards will be up soon. sadly, the internet at the Hole is not very fast and will not let me upload pictures, so i have to find time outside the home...}


Monday, September 13, 2010

thank you

to everyone who reads this.
you are all too kind.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday 4th september

Today i saw: a balloon enjoying its weekend.
out on a holiday, and running away from any birds who might get the wrong idea that rubber is nice to eat.

{sent to my friend Beth, who also happens to be my boss, who also happens to be on the bird's side}


Friday 3rd september

Today i saw: working internet!
can i just say that it sucks to be a college student without internet? waking up at 5:00am to go to campus to do homework is not fun, my friends.
but now, thanks to marnie's amazing parents, the hole has internet.

{sent to mr. and mrs. younger}


Thursday 2nd september

Today i saw: a witty note left on our slow flushing toilet.
it said: Broken!! Be Selective.
i'm not sure what i'm meant to be selective about, but there you have it.

{sent to the crazy stephen hernandez}


Wednesday 1st september

Today i saw: a story about a man who sailed the Irish Sea in a bath tub.
i aspire to do something as crazy as this.
